Terms and Conditions

This agreement explains our obligations to you, and your obligations to us for the various services provided. By using the services under this agreement, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of this agreement and any pertinent rules or policies that are or may be published by us. HAVE1.COM has a responsibility to protect each of our clients and provide the best service possible

Fees, Payment And Terms:

  • We require that you pay a down payment equal to 50% (excluding tax) for all web design, graphic design, sign production and printing services. All other services are payable C.O.D. upon receipt of invoice. We will supply a written estimate after initial meeting, this is just an estimate, and any additions or client changes will be charged extra at our regular hourly rates.
  • There is a 3% late fee charge applicable on delinquent accounts past 15 days. All fees payable hereunder are non-refundable including any deposits or pre-paid hosting/cms fees etc. Payment may be made using Visa, MasterCard, Cheque or Money Order. Any NSF cheques will result in a $40 charge. A minimal fee may be charged for expired domain name renewals or hosting account re-activation.
  • A credit note with a 25% restocking fee will be applicable for any display systems returned for reasons other than defective. All returns (other than defective) must have the original packaging, contents and box it was shipped in returned.
  • Hosting services are billed at an annual rate, quarterly payments may be made with an additional charge to cover extra administrative fees. You will be invoiced 1 month prior to domain name and hosting renewal dates. Domain Names & Hosting cannot be renewed/activated until payment has been made in full for this service.
  • If you are using an excessive amount of bandwidth you will be notified beforehand and will be invoiced extra for the additional usage or you may need to bump up your hosting package to the next level.
  • Tech support charges may be incurred depending on the level and duration of support required.

All Prices, terms and specs listed on our web site are subject to change without notice.

  • Cancellations. All hosting packages and domain names are based on a 12-month minimum term. After which time, cancellations may be made with a written statement 30 days prior to the renewal date.
  • Usage. Use of our services is subject to all laws and regulations. We do not allow any prohibited or illegal content to be hosted on our server. Any such content will be removed at the clients expense and HAVE1.COM reserves the right to cancel this agreement at that time. HAVE1.COM will not tolerate any violations to our system or network security. Anyone found guilty of such conduct will result in criminal and civil liability. HAVE1.COM does not tolerate spamming. If found guilty, your account will be terminated immediately. HAVE1.COM will not be held liable for any errors caused by you to your web site. Any web site that uses a high amount of server resources will be given an option of paying extra or reducing the resources needed to an acceptable level (at the owner’s expense). Excessive use or abuse of our shared server and network resources by one customer may have a negative impact on all other customers. Misuse of network resources in a manner which impairs network performance is prohibited by this policy and may result in termination or suspension of your account without notice.
  • Liability. HAVE1.COM will not be responsible for content or loss of data. Users should keep a copy of their web site on their own computer for backup purposes at all times. We do not warrant that server services will not be interrupted or be error free. We make no claims of guaranteed listing inclusion/high ranking for all search engine submissions of your site. The registrant agrees that all details submitted at time of signing are correct. It is the client’s responsibility to notify us of any changes to personal information that may affect their account and the correctness of services provided herein. Errors and omissions excepted.